Paper Bag Challenge

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Presentation: Negative Space in Photography & Landscapes Part 2

James will join us via Zoom and take us through the concept of Negative space in photography can how it can be used to create an emotional response to your images or to focus on a singular subject.

Following this we will have part 2 of the landscape presentation by Neil and Ian Street.

Walker Close Community Centre
9th July 2024 7:30 pm
Photo Shoot: Mornington Peninsular Shoot

We're venturing down to Mornington Peninsular, bring along your camera gear including your tripod and ND or graduated filters if you have them.

We're making this a bit of a later start for those who might want to stick around for a spot of astrophotography, weather permitting.

Full itinerary for the day available closer to the date.

Mornington Peninsular
20th July 2024 1:00 pm

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